Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mr. Don Felder

just finished reading a great book called "heaven and hell" by Don Felder......Don Felder you ask??.......i'll refresh your memory...he used to be in a small unknown band called the Eagles ;)
he was there lead guitar player....before he got kicked out for reasons i'll never understand...let's just say that the "Gods" didn't want him in the band anymore because he was asking too many questions about the way the band was being managed....the "gods" being Don Henley and Glenn Frey of the eagles......the book was really fun to started with Don growing up in Gainesville,Florida....then went on to the 70's were he became a permanent member of the eagles, writing such classics as "Hotel California".....he talks about the excesses of being in the eagles ...drugs ...women....etc....i'm surprised as he is that he's still alive to tell the tale....
Check out the book ...a great read....

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