Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mr. Don Felder

just finished reading a great book called "heaven and hell" by Don Felder......Don Felder you ask??.......i'll refresh your memory...he used to be in a small unknown band called the Eagles ;)
he was there lead guitar player....before he got kicked out for reasons i'll never understand...let's just say that the "Gods" didn't want him in the band anymore because he was asking too many questions about the way the band was being managed....the "gods" being Don Henley and Glenn Frey of the eagles......the book was really fun to started with Don growing up in Gainesville,Florida....then went on to the 70's were he became a permanent member of the eagles, writing such classics as "Hotel California".....he talks about the excesses of being in the eagles ...drugs ...women....etc....i'm surprised as he is that he's still alive to tell the tale....
Check out the book ...a great read....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

in the dark....

as i was going to get a beer between shows being taped for tv land, i caught Zachary Richard in the corner of my eye sitting in the dark in his chair......for those of you who don't know who Zachary is....he is a great singer/sonwriter from Louisiane....i was with my mom and we wanted so badly to go talk to him and maybe get a picture...but then we asked one of the assistants of the show if we could approach him....she answered ...depends on his mood....i glanced back at him and he looked as if he was trying to psyche himself up for is performance...especially the first song he played...from his new album called "last kiss"....the song in question is called " sweet Daniel"...a heartbreaking account of an indian child who died too young because of his addiction to sniffing we decided to wait after the taping of the show to try to get a photo opp...

zachary was very amiable to us after the show....we got our pictures taken with him and i will never forget how nice he was with us.....thanx zachary :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

heaven and hell

the name on the album is heaven and might know them better as Black Sabbath fronted by ronnie james dio....whatever you call them, make no mistake they are back with a vengeance with a new studio album called " the devil you know".....after a few listens you get sucked in by the heavy melodic riffs of Tony Iommi ...the pristine voice of ronnie james dio....the deep bass riffs of geezer butler and the precise drumming of vinnie the moment my favorite song off the album is the well chosen first single " Bible Black" dio's lyrics are dark ,moody and perfect for this kind of soundtrack....other songs featured on the album are....follow the tears....double the pain and the great opening track "atom and evil".....
I highly recommend this album to anyone who loves a solidly produced heavy metal record.

4 out of 4

Saturday, May 2, 2009

in the middle....

so when i left off i was becoming a maiden fanatic.....with this happening i started collecting all things maiden ...i bought my first 12" single "the trooper" at a sam the record man....a german super sound version to was my first taste of many b side tracks to come..on this disc was the jethro tull track..."cross eyed mary".....a little while later i bought the 2 minutes to midnight 12 " which had two b side tracks....the excellent Rainbow's Gold and the legendary
" Mission from 'arry"....a track recorded by lead singer Bruce Dickinson of an argument between bass player Steve Harris and drummer Nicko Mcbrain......i soon became a vinyl junkie....amassing picture discs and what not of the this day i have over 70 pieces of vinyl of the band including rare items like the US issued picture disc of the album "piece of mind"....i have seen the band play live on the seventh son tour on my birthday which is may 13th ..that was the opening date of the tour in moncton,new brunswick,canada....and i've seen them a couple of times more..on the ED Hunter tour of '99 and the give me 'ed till i'm dead tour in montreal where we gave the band a 20 minute standing ovation that left them speechless...what a special night that was:)....drummer nicko mcbrain said that it was in his top5 best moments of playing live with maiden......

to be continued again...