Monday, April 27, 2009

in the beginning.....

It all started back in the summer of 1983......i was 10 years old....i had gotten my first music cassette for my birthday...motley crue's Shout at the was the point of no return.....that same year i bought Iron Maiden's classic album and my personal favorite "piece of mind" love affair with music was blossoming......Maiden instantly became my favorite band and still are to this 1984 iron maiden's Powerslave album came out...another classic....since then maiden has had more highs than lows in a career spanning 4 decades.... be continued

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Neil "Young" at heart

from the beginning notes of "when you dance i can really love" and then the opening riffs of " Hey Hey , My My ( into the black)".....we knew we were gonna get a concert of a lifetime in saint john from legend Neil Young and his Band..which consisted of Ben Keith, Chad Cromwell, Rick Rosas, Anthony Crawford and neil's wife Pegi singing backing vocals. Song after song we were treated to superbly performed classics , old gems and some new tracks from his latest album called " fork in the road". I must say the new tracks fitted right in with the older material....
starting the concert with an electric set , neil slowed things down in the middle with an acoustic
break....which included the well known classics....sung by the crowd as well...the needle and the damage done and heart of gold....then it was back to full power for the remaining of the show which was warmly appreciated by the crowd ....but the finale of "Rockin' in the free world" sent the crowd into a frenzy with a great light show to end things in style.....neil proved again that he still had that musical drive in him throughout the show....a first class concert by a legend who can still rock out with the best of them. 4 / 4 stars

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Slice O' Life part 2

if you read my last post ...i talked about bruce cockburn's new live album....well here is a follow up since buying the album myself and actually hearing it with my own two word...
"fan" awesome recording of bruce's better known songs with some lesser known gems....highlights include a superb rendition of "If a tree falls"with blistering guitar work....and a new song called "The city is hungry" ..which i hope is a preview of what's to come when a new studio album is recorded supposedly later in the year :).....the album was produced by Colin Linden who has worked with Bruce on earlier albums including...the excellent "You've never seen everything" and the classic " The charity of night"......the cd was recorded on a short US east coast tour in may 2008 with tracks coming from the various gigs...but how they've put together all the tracks to sound like one gig is pure genius. All and all a very satisfying collection of live cuts from an artist who just keeps getting better with age.