Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Slice O' Life

Yes ladies and gentlemen a new Bruce Cockburn album coming out on this fine day ...the last of march....called " Slice O' Life"...a double live solo recording...i was listening to Q a radio show on the CBC this morning ...the guest....MR. Bruce Cockburn himself....talking about his illustrious career in music...a career spanning over 40 years....i've seen Bruce 3 times in concert...twice solo..and once with full band....both great experiences.....but i find he shines playing solo....letting the dark timbre of his voice and his guitar playing resonate through the air ....a wonderful artist...supremely talented yet very humble. I leave you with this quote from one of bruce's finest songs....

"I never you knew what you all wanted, so i gave you everything." from Pacing the cage ..a song found on his "The charity of night" album.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

smokin' joe

i was checking music producer kevin shirley's website and he was talking about his protege joe bonamassa again....i told myself i should check him out ....see what all the fuss was about....one word comes to mind....WOW...this guy's the real deal.....his guitar playing is fantastic with an awesome voice to boot....check him out herehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaCjPdtDBxo
you be the judge ;)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

oasis in the sand

i've always prefered noel gallagher's voice in oasis....even though liam is sounding great on the last album....check out is self penned "I'm outta time".....great song.....but the big news i want to convey to you today is a download that will be available on Itunes on the 17th of march....called Noel Gallagher " live at the manchester appollo".....i haven't heard any of the tracks yet but i can assume that it is great stuff....noel always delivers the goods....check it out :)

bye for now

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

plus signs

i was checking my posts on twitter last nite and to my great surprise Burton Cummings had replied to an earlier posting i had made about his new album. The album...to plug it ..is called "above the ground".....its a great album....with a varied mix of songs...my favorite is " touch of morning".....but i 'm not done ...i'll plug an album he recorded in 1990.....Plus Signs...a very underrated album .....my fav track on that one is " boring dreams"...That album is long out of print....but if you find a copy somewhere's....grab it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

adventures in yard sales

i was talking to a friend earlier in the week about this story i had of finding a CD that i was looking for on ebay but the price tag was a bit steep....the cd in question was by an artist named Gowan, who is now touring the world with a small band called STYX ;)...the title of the cd is Gowan au Quebec.It was released in 1997 with little fanfare, but was an excellent live recording of an all acoustic one man show he did that year....just him and his piano....anyhow to get to my point i was rummaging thru some cds at a yard sale, which i do every summer with my dad...always on the hunt for interesting finds...vinyl and such...and i came across the cd in question....the price 2.00$....fate was on my side he he ....i bought the cd without telling the seller that it was sometimes listed on ebay for amounts greater than this.....these kinds of finds are truly magical.....i still listen to the cd to this day.

Friday, March 6, 2009

hello fellow music lovers

i always wanted to have a blog of my own where i could talk about music in its many forms,
be it recorded music with all its great formats...vinyl...cds...dvds....or talk about some great concerts i've seen during the years.....i'll probably alienate some of you people with my eclectic tastes.....running from my all time favorite band " iron maiden" to artists like elton john and
bruce cockburn....but i hope you give my blog a chance to make you discover music that perhaps you thought was too commercial....not "indie" enough ;).

i'll leave you with this great quote from the german philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche,
"Without music , life would be an error."